"Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
—MLK, Jr.
“What’s your goal?” Tal asked. First one person answered then it all rolled in, everyone saying their goal. It all went back to when Hugh, from Synergy Football Club, came in and told us that goals are just dreams that are written down.
Then Tal started to rant about the world cup being in Qatar
“Qatar is having the World Cup in 2022?!” But then an disturbing comment came from our science teacher
“Qatar would be a very interesting place to visit.” Everyone glared at Eric.
Anna said that the other night she was working on her story and then she came across a piece of paper from the past and stared out the window in thought. Aylee said that her Internet was down over the weekend and so she had no communication with anyone, and it made her so much more excited to see people on Monday.
Claire said that the other night her mom had done her Tarot reading and the ones that Claire had picked were Judgment and Two Roads and she picked the Swords which symbolizes hiding and that is sometimes what she feels.
There is more talk about the World Cup in Qatar.
Simon said that the other day he was talking to Tate and was really happy because he feels like Tate has opened up a lot more.
Morgan had a couple of exchange students over and they helped decorate the tree, but they were decorating it in a different way that Morgan’s family usually did it. Morgan became angry, especially after one of the students asked if he could put the angel on top, which Morgan usually did, and that her dad helped her get through it and that in the end she got to put the angel up.
Claire said that she was rearranging her room the other day and that she moved the extra bed that her dad sleeps on and that she and her dad were sad that the bed was gone because her dad used lay in it every night and talked until they both fell asleep and she was sad that it was gone away.
Tal said that he went with Rose and Eric to the Paramount Theater in Rutland to hear Garrison Keillor speak and that he (Tal) said he (Tal) was definately the coolest person there.
Finn was at the Dentists and she was very grumpy but her brother saw a train there and got excited so Finn’s mood changed because she saw how happy her brother was.
Simon had gone to a talk with his parents and he didn’t want to be there very much so he was being grumpy but he ended up really enjoying it. Calder and Calder’s mom Blair made a really cool gift for Dalia—a lobster boat made out of a giant box of cardboard. It was a surprise and Calder had left it in the living room at Tal’s house for a surprise.
When we came in Tal started ranting about Santa Claus and how sant couldn’t get to so many houses in one night and there was no snow to land his sled on in Atlanta. Claire said that she wanted to be treated not like she was lower or superior to anyone and she was really happy because she was talking about this with her mom and her mom understood this.
Morgan said that the other night her parents had asked how Kiley and Morgan’s day had been and Kiley said that Tate had talked a lot and it made Kiley happy and that made Morgan happy.
Tal started talking about the Nutcracker and the weird snowflakes and many people interrupted and said things like, “I would make a great snowflake.”
Anna said that she had went to the Gailer play and that after the play her mom was very late so when her mom finally came Anna was being a grumpy gorilla and so when she went home she started crying and her mom comforted her.
We then sang to Kiley “Happy Birthday” in a very high squeaky out of tune voice.
Miles said that he was being a grumpy gorilla but then he talked to Finn on Facebook and it made him happy.
Patrick was done with all done with his homework and he heard his mom reading a story to his brother and he just sat down and listened.
Rose said that Jared’s class had gone to the Vermont Folk Life Center to see the gingerbread houses and Jared saw Kamille’s and voted for it three times and saw other kids voting for it.
Luke watched a movie that reminded him of how appreciative he is for his dad. Eric said that he was happy to see how much the seventh graders were excited to do things. Jesse saw her sister playing soccer and that she was working really hard and that motivated her. Patrick said how much he loved poetry so he had started collecting all his poems and put them in a book.
Reed saw Tsering ski and it was her first time skiing and Reed thought that she had perfect motivation and was doing very well, and I must agree with her.
Anna was at her ballet class and she saw a little girl dancing because she loved it and Anna was very motivated to be like the little girl, dancing because she loved it.